Wednesday 6 April 2011

" For within each seed, there is a promise of a flower, and within each death, no matter how small, there is always a new life. A new beginning." - Dillon (Charles S. Dutton), Alien 3

Post-production is finished now on my feature “I Choose Chaos”. We’re getting into festival submissions and press kits and all that fun stuff. Which means my attentions are also focused on what’s next.

I shot a short film called “Smile” last summer but otherwise, it’s been a fairly quiet year in terms of actual shooting. More info on “Smile” soon enough but here’s a link for the trailer.

I also shot a pitch film for a script I wrote called “Lineage”. That shoot was one of the highlights of my career thus far. Not only was it a very smooth shoot, I also got to work with some of the best actors and filmmakers I have ever had the opportunity to collaborate with. I shot the film with the legendary Director of Photography Dean Cundey (Halloween, The Thing, Jurassic Park… list goes on and on) who was truly a gentleman and gave me the best working experience of my career. He also shoots real purty pictures.

“Lineage” is very character driven as far as horror films go. Think more “Silence of the Lambs” then “Slasher Film 5: The Remake”. My wonderful casting director in LA (the irreplaceable Charley Medigovich) asked me for my dream list of actors which I gave her thinking we might get some good indie working actors that were like the names on my list.

We ended up with Michael Trucco (BattleStar Galactica) in the lead role and a supporting cast that includes Lori Huering (Mulholland  Dr.), Marco Dapper (a vet of my films... this is our 4th time working together), Dee Wallace (where do I begin? E.T., The Hills Have Eyes, The Frighteners), Tom Atkins (Night of the Creeps, The Fog) and William Sadler (The Shawshank Redemption, Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight).

Any way, I digress. It was an amazing experience and I will start my full scoop on shooting the film (any thing that could go wrong did!) soon.

Now I’m writing a new script (it’s a creature film), working with my old pal Lindsay Lanzillotta of Candleridge Entertainment (who’s “The Vicious Kind” is a gem that you should see if you haven’t all ready) on developing a new film that I’m collaborating on with the very fine writer Chris Todd. It’s a very different kind of genre film. Sort of an anti-“Pleasantville”.

More details on all of this as time marches on but for now, there’s an idea of what’s to come.

1 comment:

  1. Damn sonny-Jim! That is uber-cool. Love to work with you again soon, even if it means me having to come to the west coast. Shit if you can pull that kind of talent together, I'd love to be on board!
